Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Little Ho Ho Ho-ing

 I promised you, in an earlier post, that I'd give you a sneak peek at what's on my art board. I'm hoping to have some fabric made for a holiday project that I'm working on. How cool is it that you can make your own fabric? Check out Spoonflower for amazing ideas and inspiration.


I have some big plans for gift wrap sheets and (hopefully) some gift tags which will be available at, but not tooooooo soon!

I don't like it that stores start to sneak holiday sparkle in so early. Back-to-School immediately morphs into Halloween and Christmas Season nips at Halloween's heels--- basically snubbing its nose at poor, overlooked Thanksgiving. Usually by mid-November I am forced into a brain-washed-panic that I don't have all my shopping completed, wrapped, and shipped. Catalogs are delivered to my door over a month before Christmas, trying to consol me by stating that, "It's not too late to still recieve your order in time!". 

I guess I'm really not much better, am I? Well, I can promise you that none of this will be in my shop that soon!

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